What happens when volunteers are too busy?

by Carol

What happens when volunteers are too busy?

This is Therapy Journal 101. When I’m too busy:

  1. I don’t get blog posts written/proofread/posted.
  2. I snap at people.
  3. I have no patience.
  4. I make mountains into mole hills. No — the other way around.
  5. I make mistakes.
  6. I can’t think creatively.
  7. I give up before the job is finished.
  8. I drop things (like paint brushes, soft drinks, trays of cupcakes — icing side down).
  9. I snap at people.
  10. I get sick.
  11. I fail to ask others for their help, their understanding, or their prayers.
  12. I say things that shouldn’t be said out loud (like letting other people know how frustrated I am with someone/something).
  13. I snap at people.
  14. I think about quitting.
  15. I forget to give God the credit He deserves.
  16. I think about kicking the cat (which I wouldn’t do — and, besides, God’s word says a lot about people who mistreat animals).
  17. I don’t smile or laugh.
  18. I snap at people — and don’t tell me that I already said that!

People have limits.  When they are stressed, tired, and pressured, even the best of us run out of energy and let our filters slip.

There may not be anything you can do when one of your volunteers has had a storage unit flooded, had cats start the volunteer’s work day at 4:45 a.m., is about to be laid off, and has a VBS to-do list that is a mile long of things past their deadlines.  (Welcome to my world!)

What do I appreciate when I’m too busy?

  • Help with cleaning up or getting things finished.
  • A creative perspective.
  • A minimum of questions and advice.
  • A short memory for some of the things I say.
  • A long memory for expressing appreciation for good things I do.
  • Sometimes — but not always — a hug.

Thanks for listening.

Too busy – puppets, scripts and props

Where were we? (more on church size)

by Carol

Where were we?  Oh, yes.  We were looking at the impact of church size on volunteers.  We had just looked at the large and very large churches, but we didn’t look at the difference between them.

IS there a difference between large and very large churches when it comes to volunteers?  The size categories we’ve used are small (up to 100 in worship attendance), medium (101-350), large (351-750), very large (751-1800), mega (over 1800) and super (more on that in a later post).

So, what’s the difference when you go from 600 up to 1,500?  You are going to have a larger campus, more staff, more programs, more diversity in the congregation, higher quality in everything you do, and more distinction between skills of staff and volunteers.

If you ARE a volunteer, you are going to see these differences in the church.  But, honestly, you might not feel the difference in terms of how volunteers are led or organized.

Staff members and volunteers who lead volunteers, though, will find that it requires
**more intentional communication,
**more intentional recruiting, and
**more lead time for events.
By the time you get to 1,500 in worship, the staff members are learning from the mega churches — the tips, the tricks, and the systems.

For the volunteers, other things matter more than mere numbers.  A church in the midst of explosive growth (because of relocation, a new pastor, etc.) may not have all of the policies, programs, and systems in place yet.  The newly-large will look much different from a church that has been large for a decade.  A church that has been slowly succumbing to outdated leadership may be an unpleasant atmosphere for volunteers, even if it has all of the bells and whistles of the very large church.

Yes, there are differences between large churches and very large churches, but they aren’t as easy to spot  — which is probably why you don’t see many books and articles about their unique characteristics.  In fact, they often get lumped in together.  It could be that more people just means more of what you’ve been doing, rather than requiring anything distinctly different.

If you have some ideas about how volunteers are influenced by the unique features of large or very large churches, leave a comment.  Let’s explore this together!

When Volunteers Bail Out – part 2

by Carol

As my dearly departing volunteers depart, I think hard about how to fill their shoes.  In part 1, we looked at making their departure smooth and meaningful.  I prayerfully consider whether the ministry program needs to be changed or dropped.

Next, I delve deeper into what kind of volunteer(s) I need to fill the position.

We talk about filling someone’s shoes, but shoes come in all shapes and sizes:  loafers, boots, dress shoes, sandals, cross-trainers, flip-flops, and on and on.  They all have their special functions and, most of the time, they are not interchangeable.

The same is true of volunteers.  They have different spiritual gifts, of course, but it goes beyond that.  The following list probably just scratches the surface:

Visionaries – They see possibilities and set direction.
Organizers – Up front or behind the scenes, they pull resources together.
“Leaders” – These large-group and small-group facilitators aren’t afraid of the spotlight.
Support – Whatever you need, they’ll have your back.
Gophers – They’ll go-fer this and go for that.  Fold. Stamp. Stuff. Happy just to help!
Admin – Register folks.  Take roll. Count contributions.
Skilled – Run the sound booth.  Play the keyboard.  Design outreach materials.  Create/manage your website.

When I have a vacancy, I think about the type of volunteer I need.  Like shoes, they are not interchangeable.  Visionaries and leaders may be able to keep roll, but they are likely to get bored or see ways to improve a system that doesn’t need fixing.  Gophers and support may say ‘yes” to please you (and because that’s what you need), but they may freeze or fumble when they have to take center stage.

Use the list of types as a starting point.  What type are you?  What type is the departing volunteer?  What types do you have on the team, and what do you need going forward?

Then pray about your team and your vacancy.  Let God open your eyes to people who might be the perfect fit.

Do you see other types of volunteers for the list?  Leave a comment.

3 Reasons for a Happy Dance

Happy Danceby Carol

Between Medium and Mega lies the land of the Large Church and the Very Large Church.  For many church volunteers, this is the Land of the Happy Dance for at least three reasons:

1.  Volunteers leaders are needed and supported.  By the time you get to the mega church, many volunteer leadership positions have been taken over by pastoral staff, support staff, and even interns.  But the large church still relies on volunteers to lead volunteers.  These leaders often work closely with the support staff (ministry assistants and shared secretaries).  In fact, it is not unusual to see volunteer leaders hired onto the staff as the church grows to the next level.

2.  Volunteers can develop an area of interest.  Unlike the small church, where the jack-of-all-trades is crucial, the large and very large churches have room for specialists.  Musicians who aren’t professionals, for example, can shine in a variety of roles without feeling guilty that some other ministry of the church is struggling.  Volunteers gain experience and expertise, but they don’t have to be exclusively dedicated to a niche.

3.  Volunteers appreciate participating in programs that are done well.  Benefits come from having more people, the leadership of well-trained staff, and more resources (financial and otherwise).  The church doesn’t hesitate to foot the bill for training and workshops.  And the volunteers get positive feedback from church members who appreciate the quality of the music, children’s activities, teaching, interior décor, etc., etc.

Right Fit
Volunteers don’t always know what they are looking for, but they feel the difference when they find the right place to serve. Large and very large churches aren’t right for everyone, of course.  I always think about the question of whether you want to be a big fish in a little pond or a little fish in a big pond — assuming that being a big fish in a big pond isn’t one of your options.

So a few questions are in order:

Are you a jack-of-all-trades?
Are you a professional in some field and do you want to use that expertise in a volunteer capacity at church?
Do you like feeling that you have made a difference in whether a ministry will continue to function?
Do you put a high value on excellence above other things?
Are you more concerned with finding a place for everyone, even those with limited skills?

These are the trade-offs that volunteers consider, whether they think about them consciously or not.  It helps when the volunteers and their leaders are aware of what the trade-offs are.  In fact, they may even launch their happy dance!

The Twilight Zone Revisited: From Medium to Large

by Carol

It’s interesting being in a medium-sized church that has a high proportion of members who have come from much larger churches.  I didn’t realize what was driving my expectations and those of other folks in the church until I started writing this post.

A Different Transition
A while back (see 10-30-2015 post, The Twilight Zone of Transition), we noted that volunteers make the difference going from small-sized church to medium. The transition from medium to large, though, can be uniquely difficult to maneuver. Members of the congregation, including volunteers, struggle to adjust their relationship to the lead pastor.  While members of the small church expect direct access to the pastor, members in the larger church understand that the pastor can’t do everything.  As the church adds paid pastoral staff, members look to the staff for matters within their areas of responsibility.

Half & Half in Medium
In our medium-sized church, I get the best (and worst) of both worlds!  Folks who have been with the church since it was small go directly to the pastor with their questions and concerns.  Folks who came from larger churches come to me, expecting me to know everything and expecting me to have the ability to make adjustments.  They are familiar with going to the staff member instead of the pastor.

As a volunteer myself, though, I am frequently out of the “staff” loop and can’t make the adjustments.  We are a medium church — so I got the title, but no office or day-to-day communication with the pastor.  (Let’s just say that I like the ministry, and I knew what I was getting into.)  Nevertheless, the expectation is there.

Armed with this new insight, I can revise my expectations.  We live in a fuzzy area, where some members will go to the pastor and some will go to the pastoral staff responsible for the program.  Neither way is wrong in the medium church.  But what about the large church?

Transition to Large
As the church continues to grow, members need to learn to look to the staff members instead of going to the lead pastor.  It is becoming an Acts 6 situation, protecting his time to lead the church and prepare sermons.  And, of course, the church will probably hire a paid staff member to take my position to the next level (1 Timothy 5:18).

We could say that communication becomes critical during this transition — which is true.  But even more, leaders and other volunteers need to be flexible and tolerant.  Medium churches can do things that won’t fly in the large church.  Until it is a large church (and everyone in the church thinks like large-church members), there will be differences of opinion of how things ought to be done.

If you want the medium church to become a large church, let people learn and grow into the structure.  If you want to be sure that your medium church will never become a large church, be rigid and intolerant, insisting that everything be done the way that the large churches do it.

Middling, but Not Mediocre, Part 1

by Carol

Like the middle child, medium-sized churches often don’t get a lot of attention.  They don’t have the big, flashy programs of the mega church.  They don’t have the hand-to-mouth financial struggles of the small church.  They just go about their business on Sundays and throughout the week, doing their best to grow believers and share Christ in their communities.

So, what makes volunteers in the medium church (101-350 attendance in worship) different?

For one thing, these volunteers tend to be steady.  (Not all of them, of course, but more often than not.)  They know that people are counting on them, but they don’t have grandiose plans to wow the world.

There are enough levels of leadership in a medium church for leaders to rise up and yet not be in over their heads.  It’s small enough that leadership flaws, when they exist, are not fatal.

Members in conflict, at least to a certain level, can co-exist under the same roof in the medium church.  On the Up side, people can simply avoid those with whom they disagree.  On the Down side, though, conflict may fester and remain unresolved.

Numerically Challenged
Where one or two volunteers could handle something in a small church, most projects or programs need more staffing (or funding) in a medium church.  It’s common for the medium church to take on more than its volunteer base can actually run.

Good / Great
Volunteers can be excellent, but they don’t have to be professionals — especially those with technical skills and in the area of worship arts.

In a medium church, volunteers can get locked into tradition.  Maybe it’s because the status quo is working, and there is no apparent reason to risk it.  But medium churches actually have more opportunities to experiment — they are neither a small rowboat that sinks easily nor an ocean liner that is difficult to turn.

In Part 2 on medium churches, we’ll look at the relationship between volunteers and staff (especially the pastor).  Volunteers in a medium church need challenges so that they don’t become mindless sheep.  The pastor and other staff members have a significant role to play in casting the vision and gathering resources for volunteers to fulfill their potential.  But that comes with a price that is often overlooked.

The Twilight Zone of Transition

— by Carol

We’ve looked at volunteers in small churches.  Before we move on to medium-sized churches, let’s pause to look at volunteers in the transition zone.  More than any other transition, volunteers make the difference going from small to medium (or medium to small, but let’s not go there…).

For our purposes, the dividing line is an average attendance of 100 in worship each week.  Volunteers, though, can push this number higher or lower.  Experts point out that a small church is organized around family-type relationships, while a medium church is structured around programs.  Here, too, volunteers can change the picture.adult programs

Watch for some of these signals that tell you that numbers alone don’t tell the whole story:

  •  Volunteers who are strong leaders, helping to organize and direct other members.  They can lead programs — especially start-up programs.
  • Lack of strong leaders.  In some churches, the volunteers don’t get the leadership training or experience at work or in other community organizations.  The pastor has to be more involved in everything, which may lead to burnout or turnover.
  • Talented / skilled volunteers who pick up some of the roles (music, for example) that other churches hire part-time staff to fill.
  • Volunteers who “push back” against growth.  They prefer the close relationships of a small church, even though they may want the church to grow.


Try these keys to a successful transition from small to medium:

• Help volunteers to understand and buy in to the medium church structure (where relationships grow in small or medium-sized groups rather than across the entire congregation).

• Develop and use volunteers’ skills in positions that staff would otherwise fill.  (Caution: Don’t treat volunteers unfairly when you can and should be paying them for the time and skills they bring to the church.)

• Make training in Christian leadership skills an on-going, intentional process.

graphic of kids' church programs

It’s no wonder that experts can’t agree on the cut-off point between “small” and “medium” churches.  When you are counting noses, the noses of volunteers can make a world of difference.

A Few Things About Volunteers in the Small Church, Part 2

by Carol

As we started this series on church size, I mentioned the poor-little-me syndrome that occurs with volunteers in many small churches.  But there are some definite positives to being in a small church.


Making a Difference
For one thing, it is easier for volunteers to see where they make a difference.  The same volunteer who is chairman of the deacons may also teach the only children’s Sunday morning Bible study class.  At Christmas, the choir has to have all hands on deck or there is no program.  It’s harder for people to fall through the cracks — everyone is needed for something — and people seldom wander the halls unattached.

It is easier to help, too.  Volunteers don’t have to be experts since jobs in a small church are less specialized.  A jack-of-all-trades is highly valued.

Haven for the Young and Old
Although generalists are valued, many small churches are blessed to have older members who bring expertise and wisdom.  Some small churches are blessed with young members who are highly enthusiastic and willing to find a way to get a job done.  These same younger and older members are attracted to the small church when they get crowded out by staff or mainstream members in a larger church.

The skills and interests of the individual members of small churches tend to shape the church’s personality and strong points.  As a result, each small church is unique — sometimes novel, sometimes innovative, sometimes quirky, sometimes bordering on cultish.

This uniqueness can be a strength that carries volunteers through hard times.  But it can also insulate them from beneficial change and engaging the culture around them.  A good antidote to this drawback is to interact often in training workshops that draw an attendance from multiple churches.  Denominations, Christian publishers, and non-profit ministries offer lots of options to cross-pollinate with participants from other churches.


There are a couple of unexpected things about volunteers in a small church:

Core, Not Clique
First, small groups that hang together in a large church are known as a clique (with all the negative connotations).  In a small church, that same group is the church core.  Yes, they may need to soften their edges to let newcomers in, but the solid relationships they have forged over time are the foundation of the church’s resilience.

Volunteer Pockets
Second, the budget in a small church may look miniscule and locked in, but that is not the whole story.  Volunteers in small churches often reach into their own pockets — because they can, with such small numbers — to fund things that really matter to them.  And sometimes they foot the bill for the fun fluff!


The key to taking advantage of the small church is to find the up-sides of having a small campus, small numbers, and a close network.

  • Use chatter in the network to encourage others in a round-about way.  Example: Talk up what some volunteer did and share your appreciation for them.  Positive attitudes spread even faster than gossip!
  • Use the instances where economy of scale works in reverse.  Example: Meet off-campus at a local ice cream parlor.  Example: Buy a fun (or inspirational) book for all of your volunteer team.
  • Use the established familiarity.  Example: When you need help, tap into what people know of each other and their talents.

Small churches are great, and the volunteers in them matter!

A Few Things About Volunteers in the Small Church, Part 1

by Carol

We’re looking at how church size influences volunteers and volunteer coordination. If you want to learn about the characteristics of a small church, there are quite a few good books about small churches, with more coming out periodically. We will review some of them, so come back and check our Reviews page. For this post, we will look at a few basics and a bit of what that means for volunteers.

How big is a small church?

When I did my doctoral research, I defined a “small” church as one averaging 100 or fewer in worship each week. Some experts would go as low as 50 and some as high as 150. An argument can be made for either one, but a better argument can be made for looking more at the organizational structure than at simple numbers.

Small churches are often said to be like a family in their organizational structure. Be careful, though, that you don’t assume that the pastor is the “father” of this “family.” The comparison with a family simply means that the church is organized on the basis of relationships. The congregation is small enough for people to know each other, at least on some level.

Think about a family reunion. All of those people are related to you in some way, even if you are a little fuzzy on what it is.

How big can the extended family grow before you have trouble remembering which toddlers belong to which of your cousins? At some point, the people you see at the far picnic table don’t feel like “family” anymore.

How does this impact the volunteers?

There are some obvious implications for volunteers in a small church. For example, due to numbers alone, small churches don’t have as many programs. As a result, volunteers have fewer choices of programs in which they can serve.

On the flip side, if there is an unmet need in the church, a volunteer may have more opportunity to start a program to meet that need and to serve in a leadership position. (And down the road, they may have a higher risk of burnout because they tried to meet the need without enough manpower, training or resources.)

Next time

But what about the not-so-obvious implications? How do the relational aspect and other unique characteristics of the small church impact volunteers?  In Part 2 on Small Churches, we will look at the less obvious ways in which the characteristics of a small church influence its volunteers.


Big Church / Little Church

by Carol

What size is your church?  Are you sure?

For many years, I was in a church that I called “a small, neighborhood church.”  We lived in the shadow of a super church (bigger than a mega church) that was the size of a zip code.  As we considered relocating, though, we realized that we had members from 10 different cities!  And, according to experts in church size, we were at least a medium-sized church.  By some standards, we were large!

Big church little church

You can imagine the difference that made in how the members of the congregation viewed outreach, staffing, budget, and a host of other issues.

The concept of size has an impact on volunteers, too.  Have you seen one of these scenarios?

  • Volunteers visit a larger church.  It doesn’t have to be a “mega” church — everything else looks mega to these volunteers.  They underestimate themselves for being “only” a small church.  They “can’t” do the things they see in this big church.  They are overwhelmed at the supply rooms (compared to a supply cabinet) and enormous murals.  They feel like grasshoppers in a land of giants.
  • Volunteers attend a church that has television outreach and a well-known pastor.  Their ministry year always begins with in-house training and retreats led by highly educated staff members.  Although these volunteers are invited to training sessions outside of the church and have access to all sorts of ministry workshops, the volunteers in this church assume that the resources are for smaller churches that don’t have the expertise of their church staff.  They are missing out on the benefits of learning from (and fellowshipping with) folks with a different perspective.

In both cases, it would help for the volunteers to adjust their mental image.  Too often, we feel like small is inferior and big is self-sufficient.

For the next few posts, we are going to explore the categories of church size and what we can learn about the strengths / weaknesses of each — and what that means for volunteers.